Google Announces Preference for Mobile-friendly Websites

mobile-readyIn case you haven’t heard, on February 26, 2015, Google announced that on April 21st “we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal”.

This means after April 21st, when you conduct a Google search, the search results will give preference to websites that are mobile-friendly.  Consequently, if you have a website that is not mobile friendly, you will not show up as well in search results.  Read entire Google announcement. (Scroll down to February 26th.)

If you would like to test your site for mobile compatibility, you can use Google’s mobile-friendly test.

Studiopress offers mobile-friendly WordPress themes for about $100.

If you would like more information about how to convert your site to a more mobile-friendly platform like WordPress, please give me a call at 425.922.5515 or send me an email.